These are all interviews I have conducted with various people affiliated with Winter Solace. These interviews are “free to distribute” on the condition that they are not altered (unless translated into other languages) or used to promote any ideologies or other ventures and that you explicitly state that the interview is part of the Winter Solace content library. If you run a webzine, you are free to repost as long as you link back to Winter Solace. If you run a physical printed zine, please contact me for more information before reprinting.

(PDF Right Click & Save As)

Hadak Ura

Interviews conducted with me. These are not to be reprinted.

HEAVY METAL CONSPIRACY zine No. 2 – Cochabamba, Bolivia
– Conducted on 07/29/2020 – To my understanding this still hasn’t been released as of 8/20/2023

Death & The Sun No. 1 – Finland
– Conducted on 11/08/2020 – Being reposted per the original agreement I made with them.

Front Zine – 2024 – Turkey
– Conducted on 12/30/2023